BEFORE following:

about me: ying/瑩, she/her, 24, i tweet in both EN and 中
what to expect: danmei main and occasionally about thai BL, not spoiler-free and usually no spoiler tags, translate occasionally
dms are open! ☺


• chinese novels
• manhuas/hwas
• ateez, day6
• 杨洋
• bible, forcebook

c-novels read/reading:

1. 魔道祖师 mo dao zu shi墨香铜臭completed
2. 🌟 天官赐福 tian guan ci fu墨香铜臭completed
3. 黄金台 golden stage苍梧宾白completed
4. 杀破狼 sha po langpriestcompleted
5. 人渣反派自救系统 svsss墨香铜臭completed
6. 默读 mo dupriestcompleted
7. 🌟 将进酒 qiang jin jiu唐酒卿completed
8. 瞎娘娘 the blind concubine洗泥completed
9. 🌟 过门 guo menpriestcompleted
10. 🌟 南禅 nan chan唐酒卿completed
11. 🌟 你的距离 your distance公子优completed
12. 伪装学渣 fake slackers木瓜黄completed
13. 🌟 黑天 hei tian木苏里completed
14. 社交温度 social outcast卡比丘completed
15. 网恋翻车指南 ghfod酱子贝completed
16. 地球上线 teio莫晨欢completed
17. 🌟 某某 mou mou木苏里completed
18. 残次品 can ci pinpriestcompleted
19. 学渣同桌不需要安慰 musdnac龙柒completed
20. 破云 po yun淮上completed
21. 一醉经年 drunk in love水千丞completed
22. 娘娘腔 sissy水千丞completed
23. 他们都说我遇到了未知生物 they all say i’ve met a ghost青色羽翼completed
24. 🌟 不死者 undead淮上completed
25. 你可曾见过如此高冷的作者 cold author首初completed
26. 纯真丑闻 true scandal卡比丘completed
27. 热搜预定 hot search靠靠completed
28. 小蘑菇 little mushroom一十四洲completed
29. 绝地求生 AWM: PUBG漫漫何其多completed
30. 谁把谁当真 winner takes all水千丞completed
31. 不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友 dpubftb骑鲸南去dropped
32. 七爷 qi yepriestcompleted
33. 天涯客 faraway wandererspriestcompleted
34. 别来无恙 hope you've been well北南completed
35. 撒野 sa ye巫哲completed
36. 双杀 double kill娜可露露completed
37. 丧病大学 zombie university颜凉雨completed
38. 🌟 判官 pan guan木苏里completed
39. 🌟 我只喜欢你的人设 ren she稚楚completed
40. 漠上寒沙 cold sands牧云岚卿completed
41. 六爻 liu yaopriestcompleted
42. 🌟 死亡万花筒 kod西子绪completed
43. 一级律师 the lawyer木苏里dropped
44. 附加遗产 additional inheritance水千丞completed
45. 🌟 全球高考 qqgk木苏里completed
46. 🌟 吞海 tunhai淮上completed
47. 我死对头终于破产了 nemesis went bankrupt酱子贝completed
48. 解药 antidote巫哲completed
49. 逐浪 chasing the wave余酲completed
50. 我行让我来 i can do it酱子贝dropped
51. 火焰戎装 hyrz水千丞completed
52. 你却爱着一个傻逼水千丞completed
53. 第二十八年春耳东兔子completed
54. 营业悖论 fanservice paradox稚楚dropped
55. 小白杨水千丞completed
56. 薄雾 mist微风几许dropped
57. 焚冬 burning winter李大发completed
58. 听说你很难追觉初completed
59. 诟病池总渣completed

!!! i have a bad habit of dropping or pausing novels when i lose interest, it doesn’t mean that those novels are bad

translations sometimes: i have paused my co-translations of heitian but might continue in the near future (in light of the audio drama)! ☺